PMC Midlands Case Studies

Connect Distribution, Birmingham

Due to continued expansion at Connect Distribution, PMC Midlands arranged planning permission and carried out the construction of the following:

Additional Warehouse:
An additional 850 sq metres of warehouse space was added with the design and build of a steel portal frame warehouse to join with existing brick storage facilities. Maximum use of the space available was achieved by building to 6 metres in height.

A canopy was added to improve delivery and collection facilities at the distribution centre.

Pallet Storage Facility:
PMC Midlands have organised planning permission for a 1350 sq metre portal frame pallet storage facility due to be constructed in 2006 to the rear of main warehousing.

Modernisation of main building:
Connect Distribution’s main brick buildings are due to be modernised by PMC Midlands with over cladding and double glazing being fitted to coordinate with new warehousing.

Project Spend: £500,000 to date

Before: the area to be built on was to adjoin these buildings
After: internal view of where new warehousing joins existing buildings

Above: Completed warehousing and canopy projects to date
Below: Six metre high storage facilities

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